The Razer Glass Box Pc

all right so this is one of the most unique PC gaming products I’ve seen this year this glass box is razors upcoming gaming PC they’re calling it the razor tomahawk and this particular unit is an early prototype that they showed at CES earlier this year there’s no planned announcement for it anytime soon but I wanted to show you guys what this and was all about now to explain what this is and what why this is even in the studio I have to talk about this this is Intel’s nook 9 this is a small form-factor computer made by Intel it’s very capable it’s running a desktop grade RTX 2070 Ti inside this very small compact case this is a 5 liter case I believe it’s very small they had to do a few things to be able to fit everything in here so it’s running a laptop CPU it’s still an 8 core overclockable CPU
The Razer Glass Box PC - YouTube
But it’s not a desktop CPU and the video card here even though it is a desktop video card is a shorty this holds one of these 187 millimeter video cards they’re available right companies do make shorties but they’re just not as common as a full-sized desktop card now all that aside the big thing I didn’t love about the neck 9 when I first saw it was the aesthetic it’s so plain to me the Intel performance nuts are usually really cool-looking but this one it looks like a generic block box which some people might like but it’s just not for me now I remember when Intel did this announcement they said that there were other partner companies that were also making these mini systems and Razer was one of them and this razor tomahawk was their iteration of it and this one can take full-size desktop GPUs as well as looking so much cooler than this thing so I reached out to raise I was like yo I I know you guys have this I saw pictures and videos of it can you you know can you lend it to me so I can can i I want to do the exchange right because these are modular systems you can take the internals of this thing like the Intel nook and put it into this thing so that’s what we’re doing today now the way these things work because they’re modular systems inside this machine there’s two main components there’s the GPU which is the desktop video card attack mode which in this case is the Asus shorty and then there’s the heart of the whole system which is Intel calls it the compute element and inside this mod jool it’s got the motherboard the CPU the RAM and the storage it’s all inside this package the RAM and the storage are user replaceable but the CPU is not that’s baked on so the idea is you can purchase one load it up with the RAM and storage that you’d like and then in a few years time when Intel comes out with an upgrade let’s say in like two years time there’s a 12th gen available and it’s totally on 14 nanometers you can buy that 12th gen module and transfer your 10th gen stuff or whatever is your older stuff transfer it into the new one and now you have a fully upgraded compute element and that’s the idea behind this whole system right it allows a certain degree of modularity now I think the plan is for Razer to sell the tomahawk as a completed gang system right fully loaded ready to go so you don’t have to do any building like this but because I’m transferring stuff from the Intel nook into this I have to build it so there’s like a tray or a sled that holds the components and this time we’re using a full-length RTX 2080 because this case can hold full-length desktop GPU and then on the other side we slot in the computer element so in these systems there’s actually a third nvme on the base PCB but if you populate that thing you’re gonna use up PCIe lanes which ends up reducing lanes on your graphics cards so I think most people just use the two nvme slots inside the compute element but once you have this thing connect it all up you take this thing and you slide it into the glass box now there’s two things to note first is that because this is a super early prototype sample thing the exact configuration and orientation or everything here is not finalized right this is all subject to change as they kind of figure stuff out the second thing is that the fans on the top of the system they’re not powered like there’s no cable that connects it to the motherboard so those fans are not functional in this particular unit but it is a functional system otherwise now performance I mean that’s the thing right like how good does this thing do it’s good like that Intel compute element delivers now with games it’s all about your video card and when you can stick a desktop GPU into these systems they just push up crazy performance that 8-core chip can deliver very solid multi-core performance and if I bump the PL one water it goes even harder and thermally that compute element is weirdly it’s running a vapor chamber and because they’re not super concerned about like the vertical height of that module its noticeably quieter than an equivalently equipped laptop I think these vans just have an easier time cooling this particular system down so I built this crazy RGB setup with some of the Razer stuff I have and this would probably be like a dream set up for a Razer fan you got the tomahawk you got the Huntsman teehee their optical keyboard you got the new Viper ultimate fantastic mouse I think it’s the best wireless mouse on the market right now you got the Razer wireless charger I would put a Razer phone 2 on there but that thing’s a little dated and you also have the Razer Raptor their 27-inch gaming monitor with that waterfall of Razer green cables coming out the back this setup is fully Razer with RGB everywhere now in terms of pricing I have no idea how much the tomahawk is gonna cost I feel like it can’t be cheap right the the base necks are already really expensive these can only be more expensive I don’t even know if Razer knows how much this is gonna cost at this point but it is something that they plan on bringing out this isn’t like some vaporware project this is legitimately a product that they plan on releasing and yeah it’s gonna be pretty cool when it does come out I’m glad that Razer let me bring this into the studio to show you guys because it’s it’s pretty unique.
Designed by Razer Case Licensing Program | Razer Europe


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