
Showing posts from October, 2020

One of the World’s Oldest Submerged Ancient Cities Was Found and Explored in Southern Greece

 well my original aim with the the Pavle petra project was to record it in as much detail as possible and it was first surveyed back in 1968 by team from the University of Cambridge using measuring tapes and just snorkels from the surface and they did a fantastic job but the reason we've gone back 40 years later  was to use new technology and to use the cutting edge of technology every year and it's developing so quickly that each year almost we've used different techniques and probably no powerful opechee is the  most surveyed bit of seabed in the world and we've applied probably more techniques to than you know than anywhere else and every year I think this is the best serving technique no actually this is the best of all no no we've cracked it but no actually I honestly believe that we have a technique which is going to I  think revolutionized the way people do underwater survey it doesn't just work in shallow water works in very deep water as well and what i